
Please select between the tabs on how you would like to see how to Verify.

If your already Authorized with bloxlink, all you'll need to do is press confirm when your on their site.

To verify to gain full access to our server, first you'll need to be in our server and on verification channel.

  1. In the textbox at the bottom of the screen paste in /verify and press Enter.

  2. Once bloxlink reply's to your message click on verify with bloxlink this will send you to there website.

  3. It will ask you to login to discord / authorize bloxlink to link to your account.

  4. Once you have linked bloxlink to your discord, you'll be sent to a new page to link a new Roblox account. Enter your Roblox account name and what way you would like to verify by.

-- Game Verification - This will require you to join bloxlink verification game on Roblox. Then verify that the discord account your trying to verify is you in game. [ No ] | [ Yes, that's me! ] !! It Will Kick You After !!

-- Code Verification - This will make you put a random bunch of words into your Roblox about me on your profile to check it is you. This will give you a code and once your ready you can press confirm and it will check your profile.

  1. Now go back to the bloxlink page if you aren't already. and it will ask you to manage your Verifications for the server's your on that have this. Click on the servers you want to be verified on and then press Finished

Close Page

Now your Verified !

Last updated